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U-shaped towns: what are the names of towns beginning with U?

Which cities in France and around the world begin with a U? It's not easy, but some of them are more or less well-known. Discover the list.

U-shaped city names

  • ULM
  • UNNA
  • UMAN


Ulm is a city in southwestern Germany, in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Ulm is famous for its cathedral, called Ulmer Münster in German. It is the tallest church in the world, with a spire rising to around 161 meters. Construction began in the 14th century and was completed in the 19th century.


The Danube, one of Europe's most important rivers, flows through the city. The Danube is a central feature of life in Ulm, offering beautiful walks along its banks.

The famous physicist Albert Einstein was born in Ulm in 1879. Although his family moved away shortly after his birth, the town retains a certain pride in its connection with one of the greatest scientific minds of all time.


Utrecht is a city in the center of the Netherlands, in the province of Utrecht. Here are some key facts about this dynamic city:

Utrecht boasts a magnificent historic city center, with picturesque canals, cobbled alleyways and well-preserved old buildings. The Oudegracht, a canal lined with quays and cafés, is one of the city's most emblematic features.

Utrecht is an important cultural and academic center in the Netherlands. It is home to the University of Utrecht, one of the country's largest and oldest universities, as well as numerous theaters, museums, art galleries and festivals.

The Domtoren is a landmark tower in Utrecht. At 112 meters high, it is the tallest church tower in the Netherlands. Visitors can climb to the top for a panoramic view of the city.

All French U-shaped cities

Here's a list of all French towns beginning with the letter U and their zip codes.

Ubaye-Serre-Ponçon (04340) Ubexy (88130) Ubraye (04240)
Ucciani (20133) Ucel (07200) Uchacq-et-Parentis (40090)
Uchaud (30620) Uchaux (84100) Uchizy (71700)
Uchon (71190) Uckange (57270) Ueberstrass (68580)
Uffheim (68510) Uffholtz (68700) Ugine (73400)
Uglas (65300) Ugnouas (65140) Ugny (54870)
Ugny-l'Équipée (80400) Ugny-le-Gay (02300) Ugny-sur-Meuse (55140)
Uhart-Cize (64220) Uhart-Mixe (64120) Uhlwiller (67350)
Uhrwiller (67350) Ully-Saint-Georges (60730) Umpeau (28700)
Unac (09250) Uncey-le-Franc (21350) Unchair (51170)
Ungersheim (68190) Unias (42210) Unienville (10140)
Unieux (42240) Unverre (28160) Unzent (09100)
Upaix (05300) Upie (26120) Ur (66760)
Urau (31260) Urbalacone (20128) Urbanya (66500)
Urbeis (67220) Urbès (68121) Urbise (42310)
Urçay (03360) Urcel (02000) Urcerey (90800)
Urciers (36160) Urcuit (64990) Urcy (21220)
Urdens (32500) Urdès (64370) Urdos (64490)
Urepel (64430) Urgons (40320) Urgosse (32110)
Uriménil (88220) Urmatt (67280) Urost (64160)
Urrugne (64122) Urs (09310) Urschenheim (68320)
Urt (64240) Urtaca (20218) Urtière (25470)
Uruffe (54112) Urval (24480) Urville (10200)
Urville (14190) Urville (50700) Urville (88140)
Urvillers (02690) Ury (77760) Urzy (58130)
Us (95450) Usclades-et-Rieutord (07510) Usclas-d'Hérault (34230)
Usclas-du-Bosc (34700) Usinens (74910) Ussac (19270)
Ussat (09400) Usseau (86230) Ussel (15300)
Ussel (19200) Ussel (46240) Ussel-d'Allier (03140)
Usson (63490) Usson-du-Poitou (86350) Usson-en-Forez (42550)
Ussy (14420) Ussy-sur-Marne (77260) Ustaritz (64480)
Ustou (09140) Utelle (06450) Uttenheim (67150)
Uttenhoffen (67110) Uttwiller (67330) Uvernet-Fours (04400)
Uxeau (71130) Uxegney (88390) Uxelles (39130)
Uxem (59229) Uz (65400) Uza (40170)
Uzan (64370) Uzay-le-Venon (18190) Uzech (46310)
Uzein (64230) Uzel (22460) Uzelle (25340)
Uzemain (88220) Uzer (07110) Uzer (65200)
Uzerche (19140) Uzès (30700) Uzeste (33730)
Uzos (64110)

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