New York

In the footsteps of famous films and TV series shot in New York

You're about to visit New York and the city already seems familiar, even though you've never set foot here? With over 250 films shot here every year, it's a rare day when you don't catch a glimpse of the city in a movie or TV series. Would you like to make the most of your stay by visiting some of the places that have become famous in New York films? If so, be sure to read this article, as we'll be mentioning just a few of them. As the list of films is long, we'll be publishing a series of 3 articles on the subject. Here's the first one, with 7 of the best-known films in New York.

New York's best-known TV series is undoubtedly Sex and the City. If you're a fan of the show, here's a tip: drive past the famous Chrysler Building and on to 66 Perry St., the building that's supposed to house Carrie Bradshaw. Although she theoretically lives on the Upper East Side, the building chosen for the film is in the West Village. Stop off at Magnolia Bakery (401 Bleecker St, West Village), which you're sure to recognize if you're a true fan of the series.

If you're a fan of Breakfast at Tiffany's, you'll need to go to 5th Avenue and walk past the famous store (which is at 57th Street).

For You've Got Mail, you'll have to go to the corner of Columbus Avenue and 69th Street to find the boutique run by Meg Ryan. Many of the local stores and restaurants appear in the film, and you can take advantage of the opportunity to order something and eat there. Take Gray's Papaye (corner of 72nd Street and Broadway), for example. Personally, every time I pass by it, I can't resist popping in for a bite to eat. You can also take the opportunity to visit Café Lalo (on 83rd Street, between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenue).

If you're a fan of Jennifer Lopez in Maid in Manhattan, here are a few places to catch your eye: The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel at 301 Park Avenue, of course, but also Central Park, especially the southern corner with its famous rock. Still in Central Park, you can continue on to The Mall and sit on one of the benches featured in the film. Finish off with a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, where several scenes from the film were shot.

For The Devil Wears Prada, you'll need to go to 252 Broome Street, the address of Andrea's apartment, then to 250 Broome Street to find the famous bakery featured in the film. Finally, you can head to West 39th Street (7th Avenue).

If you're interested in Miracle on 34th Street, you'll find it at 19 East 61st Street, which you'll recognize immediately as you walk past. You'll also need to enter the famous Macy's Department Store at 151 West 34th Street. Take the opportunity to buy a few souvenirs, as you'll often find good prices.

Le célébrissime When Harry Met Sally est aussi tourné à New York: en vous rendant au Washington Square Park, au Loeb Boathouse dans Central Park, ainsi qu’au Katz’s Deli, vous pourrez revivre les principaux moments du film. A l’intérieur de ce restaurant, vous pourrez trouver la table exacte ou a été tournée la scène avec Sally : elle est marquée d’un signe !

Katz's Deli: When Harry met Sally

As you can see, many places have become part of the imagination and common representations of New York thanks to the films and series shot there. If you'd like to explore all these places in detail, you should know that many themed guided tours are organized in New York, and that they will enable you to learn a lot about the films shot in the city.

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