In New York, as in the rest of the United States, Labor Day marks the end of summer and the start of the new school year! In New York, schools often open the day after the holiday. Unlike in many other countries, Labor Day is not celebrated on May 1, nor does it have the same symbolism. Here, it's more a question of the beginning of a season (that of work). Unlike in Europe, this day is not marked by social or political demands. Rather, for Americans, it's an opportunity to get away for a long weekend, since Labor Day always falls on a Monday, and to start the school year gently.
For many activities, Labor Day marks the end of the summer season (outdoor pools and beaches close, for example). However, many activities can be enjoyed on this holiday:
The sales!
If you like shopping, Labor Day marks the first big sale day. The second is Black Friday. Of course, Labor Day sales aren't the best of the year, but if you're only here in September, you'll still be able to pick up some great bargains (check out Best Buy, for example, if you're looking for electronics).
Take a trip to Flushing Meadow
The famous New York tournament is now entering its second week. Through, it's still possible to get your hands on tickets for matches. It's also a good time to take a stroll through the famous Queens Park, just next door.
Attend the West Indian-American Day Carnival
This event - always held on Labor Day - aims to showcase the heritage of Caribbean culture in New York. Taking part and watching the parade is easy: just go to Crown Heights in Brooklyn (Crown Hts-Utica Ave subway station, on lines 3, 4 and 5).
Living Labor Day the American way
The easiest way to see how many Americans live this holiday is to head to one of the city's many parks and indulge in an impromptu barbecue. Don't worry, even if you don't have all the equipment with you, you'll still be able to get to know some Americans on the spot!
Explore the New York City area
Many New Yorkers take advantage of this holiday to go away for the weekend. Why not do the same? By taking the commuter trains, you can be in the Hudson Valley in less than 40 minutes, with breathtaking scenery. Or head to Long Island to explore the hundreds of miles of coastline that await you.
As you can see, there's no shortage of activities on Labor Day.